Going to School is a collection of hilarious short stories written by Anne Civardi, an experienced writer. The book has many stories narrated with illustrations and a coating of humor. The book is quite popular and well-received by the parents as it is a special book intended for toddlers!

Every child come across the first experiences of going to a school and the tantrums faced by them and of course the parents. This book is all about the first experiences of ‘Going to School!’ All the possible real life situations, the children experiences are coated with fun and humour.

Anne Civardi is an experienced and notable writer, an editor of children’s books and a published author. She has written a series of books for children.

A good book that gives funny way of introduction to real life incidents of going to school. The book also introduces the reading habits in children. The stories come with illustrations and good navigation, which makes reading easy for a kid.

When it comes to negative aspects, this book actually looks like a booklet!

Preschoolers and toddlers can be taught what they would expect in the school!

Buy Story Book – Going to School (Usborne First Experience)